Tuesday, March 30, 2010

the kind diet

Here I am... months later... I'm still a vegetarian (goal = vegan) and I haven't made much progress on my weight loss. I've been mostly vegan for the past 2 months, but have taken steps backwards on the weekends and ate pizza with my boyfriend :( I just picked up "The Kind Diet" by Alicia Silverstone this weekend - thanks for the 40% off coupon, Borders! I'm hoping that reading this will motivate me to finally adapt to the vegan lifestyle :)

I'll update again soon - I'm taking a food science course this quarter at OSU. I figure we'll probably go over all the nasty stuff I already know about the meat industry - even more motivation to finally go vegan! And I think I'll start reading "Diet for a New America" again (the book that convinced me to turn vegetarian 5 years ago).

Spring may be bringing positive changes :)

Monday, June 15, 2009


So - the vegan thing is on the back burner for now... I just don't think I'm ready to put that much thought into it. However, I am dedicated to lose weight over these next few months, and I started a running program. When Erika was in town visiting, we went to the Book Loft in German village. I picked up a couple of running books, and that's where it started.

I've never, in my life, ran on my own free will - it was always because I had to; the mile run for gym class that I despised oh-so-much, WJMB band camp. Last year I attempted, unsuccessfully, to run a bit with Dave. This year, I'm going to be smart about it. And after gaining 10lbs over the winter months, I'm going to drop this weight. My goal? 1-2 lbs a week = 20 pounds in 3 months. I can do it. The running program is already easier than I thought it would be - run 1 minute, walk 3 and repeat. Not bad... I sweat my ass off, but it feels good :) Tonight I step it up for week two. I believe it's just repeating 4 times - adding an extra 4 minutes to my work out. I hope that this program is successful - I'd love to be able to run, and enjoy it.

I also have been playing tennis at least every other day. I also hope to start going to the gym at least once a week and use the rowing machines.

This may seem like a bigger bite than I can chew, but I'm determined to do this. I have my mind set on losing this 20 pounds. And I know that Dave will help me focus :) It's nice to have a physically active boyfriend!

In other news... I leave this Friday to drive down to my parent's place in Virginia. We will then hop in the truck Saturday nice and early to drive down to Tivoli, Texas where we will pack up all of my grandmother's belongings and move her to Virginia to live with my parents. Sound like fun? It's probably not. Hopefully, we will be able to do some fun things in between driving and packing. Oh, did I mention that we're driving one truck down, but 3 vehicles back up? Joy... At least my scenery will be changing for my runs. And, hopefully Dave will be joining us. He's never been to Texas, and would love to find a place to play tennis while we're down there.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Just so tired...

This medicine is still making me tired - but it's not as bad as last week, well, until today. I didn't sleep well last night. Woke up multiple times and finally fell fast asleep around 5 am just in time for me to sleep through my alarm again. Great.

Had my neurosurgeon appointment on Monday. It was really quick and kinda stupid for me to go... All he did was do a couple of "balance tests" I guess is what I'd call them, and told me that he's pretty sure that I just have a venous angioma (malformation). So, he says "because your so young" he'd like me get an angiogram done because it's the most definitive test to determine if it is truly JUST a malformation. If that's the case, I have to get a MRI every 6 months to monitor for hemorrhage. Blah. I'm really nervous about this test. It kinda creeps me out that they run a tube from the groin to the brain just to inject dye... but, if that's the worst to come, I guess I'm okay with that. I'm just waiting for the office to call me with the test date...

I did my fruit/veggie fast yesterday. I did have some chocolate soy milk though... but, she didn't say anything about what to drink! I assume it would have been best to only drink water. It wasn't bad - I ate as much fruit as I wanted and it was yummy :) I ran out of energy at the end of the day but I think it's more from the heat in the glass lab then my diet. I also bought a nice large wooden bowl from Target. It currently only has 2 apples and a pear in it, but I'll work on filling it tonight :) So, since I accomplished those two steps, it's time to move on!

And, to be vegan in 24 days...

Day 7
Start each day with a green smoothie.

Assignment: Make a green smoothie for breakfast, lunch or a snack today. Commit to having one green smoothie a day for the next seven days. It will become a habit you won't ever want to give up!

Guess I need to go grocery shopping again... I have some frozen fruit that I use to make smoothies. I'll have to grab some more and some fresh fruit too, along with something green - spinach or something. Glad I bought that magic bullet!!

Day 8
Eliminate poultry

Self-explanatory. And, already done :) 4 years ago!!

Day 9
Add a large salad every day

Assignment: From now on, eat one large salad every day. Start by getting yourself a large bowl that you love, if you don't already have one. then, make a new salad every day for the next 7 days. Discover salads as if for the first time, and make them different each day. In the future, you'll have a lot of ideas for making salads from this one week of experimenting!

Oh boy - at least I'm already planning a grocery trip! Added to list: more greens and salad goodies! Carrots, cabbage, beans... anything that looks interesting. Hmm, any suggestions?

Day 10
Read Diet for a New America

Assignment: Buy a copy of Diet for a New America, and read at least one chapter a day until you finish it. If financially feasible, buy a new or used copy rather than borrowing it from the library - you'll most certainly want to mark your copy up and keep it for further reference.

Funny. This is the book that made me decide to be vegetarian. Actually, I wanted to be vegan, but thought vegetarian was easier for me to transition to at the time. Thank you, Adam, for letting me borrow this book a little more than 4 years ago! I now own two copies. I bought one, then shortly after, received one as a gift. I figured it was about time to read it again, so here's my motivation to do so :)

Alright... I now have two assignments for this week - eat a salad everyday, and drink a green smoothie everyday. That's not too hard to handle. I'll also start reading. I kinda like this 3 days at once thing! Especially since I've already accomplished some of them :) And folks, I should be vegan in 20 days or less!! Next steps, another fruit/veg cleanse and the hardest of all, giving up cheese. Wish me luck!

**All assignments come from "Vegan in 30 Days: Get Healthy. Save the World." by Sarah Taylor

Thursday, April 23, 2009

27 Days...

Ok, so... I didn't do the fruit and veggie thing today. I didn't feel well, and never made it to the grocery last night. However, I do plan on eating vegan today, and I'll do the fruit and veggie cleanse in a couple of days. I'm not skipping this step - just putting it aside for a few days.

I think this new medication is making me uber tired. I've slept through my alarm all week. Luckily I've woken up early enough everyday buy monday. I hope this side effect is only temporary...

Moving on...

Day 4
Eliminate red meat

Assignment: Eliminate all meat from your diet and your kitchen... ect, ect..

Been there, done that :) I've been red-meat-free for almost 5 years now. Check!

Day 5
Find Substitutes

Assignment: Go to the local health food store or the health food aisle in your local supermarket. Look for soy-bassed meat, cheese, and dairy substitutes. If someone is shopping in the same aisles, you may want to ask if they have any experience with the products, and what brangs they recomment. Buy at least one new substitue product that you have not tried before.

I have also done this many, many times. I actually tired a bread mix last night. I ate some this morning for breakfast :) (with a little peanut butter and homemade jam). So, I'm going to count that as a new substitute. I do need to go grocery shopping soon, so I'll try another new substitute then. I find that even going vegetarian I had to try many new things even to today. I think I'm going to try some nutritional yeast next... AND I want to try a recipie from my new cookbook - Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World! :)

Day 6
Get a beautiful fruit bowl and keep it filled

Assignment: If you don't already have on, buy a gorgeous fruit bowl that you just love seeing on your dining table or in your kitchen. Then fill it with your favotie fruits - and keep it filled!

This is what I'll do today! I don't really have a nice bowl, so, I'll go to Target and get one tonight - I love that store anyway. On the way home, I'll stop at the grocery and pick up some yummy fruits and veggies, and probably some nuts too. Then I should be set for at least next week.

Disclaimer: All assignments come from "Vegan in 30 Days: Get Healthy. Save the World." by Sarah Taylor

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Vegan in...

29 Days...

Day 2
Assignment: Get online and research the vegan diet. Devote at least 30 minutes to learning about how different people define it, and what products are on the market that are vegan and not vegan.
As most of my friends and family know, I've spent hours devoted to this task in the past few years. I've gone way beyond 30 minutes. I have numerous vegan cook books (and a new one yesterday, thanks to Jeff!), and guides on how to be vegan. Dave even bought me a vegan cupcake book for Easter: Vegan cupcakes take over the world!! (I've been looking for it at Half Priced Books - they finally had it, and he bought it for me!). Even though I'm aware of what's out there, I still read almost daily about the vegan diet. I check forums, blogs and more. It never hurts to find another reason my diet is a good thing.
I'd say I've accomplished this task. :)
moving on... 28 days....
Day 3
Assignment: Eat only whole fruits and vegetables today, preferably raw, organic, and fresh from your grocer's produce section. Small amounts of condiments, like vinaigrette dressing, can be used to supplement your food.
This is going to be a little tough for me... I guess I'm going to the grocery store tonight!! Good thing I had nothing planned this evening. I'll be using it to prep fresh fruits and veggies for consumption tomorrow! I've already thrown it off for today, but maybe I'll try to only eat fruits and veggies for dinner. Tomorrow I think I can do Day 4, 5, and 6! I might just be vegan before I know it!

Vegan in 30 Days...

At least, that's the goal. I purchased a book by the very same title to help me on my journey. Actually, my resolution was to be vegan by my birthday - May 9th. If I follow the book exactly - it'll be after my birthday... but I figure, if it's the same month, and I can settle for that. I've already done some of the steps on my own, so I'm thinking I'll do more than one chapter on some days. Maybe I will be vegan by my birthday :)

So... here we go...

Day 1
Why do you want to be vegan?
I became vegetarian a little over 4 years ago after reading "Diet for a New American." When I made that decision, I thought I would be vegan shortly after. I never made the full transition.
Robbin's book enlightened me on the many cruel practices that go on in the meat and dairy industries. I became aware of all the chemicals and hormones that are in the foods most Americans eat daily, and the abuse that the majority of animals sustain in factory farming.
My first and foremost reason I am working to be vegan is to be eating the healthiest and most eco-friendly way I know how. I do not want to be responsible for the pain and suffering of any animal.
The first meat I gave up was beef - I have a strange compassion for cows. I love them. So, it sometimes seems strange to me that I still eat cheese. I vowed to never eat a cow again, yet I still allow them to be milked until raw, and I'm digesting all the chemicals and hormones that are passed through milk. I plan to change this. I want to break free of the addiction to cheese (really people, it's proven that cheese is addictive!). I'll suffer the runny nose and stuffiness that comes with detox. I'll feel better knowing that I'm not supporting the factory farms across the nation.
I've watched the videos - I cry. I wish I self-educated myself on where my food came from when I was younger. I think I would have given up meat a long time ago. Then again, maybe my body was trying to tell me something - I've never liked the taste of milk, ever since I was a kid. I'd drink it only with spaghetti, or in a bowl of cereal (only enough to wet the cereal, I never drank the milk left over). I started drinking soy milk about 3.5 years ago. Seriously - humans are the only animal that drinks milk after weaning, and we're the only ones that drink another animals milk. Does this seem natural? No. I also hate all the lies from the dairy industry. Yes, milk contains calcium. Can we absorb it? Not as much as you've been let to think.
A vegan diet just seems to make more sense everyday... I just have to break the habit. Then I'll be on to a healthier, skinnier, more-energetic me :)


A quick summary of what has happened since last time:

The plan to start going to the gym has failed. I wasn't able to attend the first 'free' week of classes offered at the RPAC. Since my roommate had meningitis, I figured that it would be best not to risk spreading it to half of campus. (She is now back to 100% and in Columbus again!)Thankfully, no one else contracted it. However, my motivation to exercise went right out the window.

An update on my health: I went to the neurologist last week. He feels that my left-sided facial numbness is branching from migraines. He put me on a preventative medication that seems to be working to stop my daily headaches. I increased my dose, as instructed, on Monday and have had a hard time waking up to my alarm in the morning since. Hopefully, my body will get used to the medication and I won't be as tired as I am now. But, I figure being tired is better than constant headaches and not being able to feel half of my face. I still have to see the neurosurgeon on Monday to assess my malformation and get a plan of care. Fun.

I started classes a few weeks ago. They're taking up a lot more time than I expected. I have a self-explored career development class that is on Monday nights, and Intro to Glass Blowing - class is on Thursday nights and Saturdays from 9 - 3. I also have to go on Tuesdays for my 'blow slot' which is my only dedicated hot lab time. With some help from this new medication - I have absolutely no motivation to go. I have a lot of work ahead of me...